Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Naval Ground Strategy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Naval Ground Strategy - Assignment Example t, the security of a large and expanding system of international trade in the 20th century would depend on the creation of a transnational consortium of naval power (i.e., the U.S. and Britain).2 Mahan advocated for application of sea power through a big navy which according to him was significant in commerce and economic warfare. He believed that the nation or a group of nations that commanded the sea could be in a good position to draw trade, wealth, and economic resources of the world and was most likely to win wars3. During the civil war, naval weaknesses of the southern states led to seaborne assault. In the course of the four years of conflict, the territorial integrity and economic vivacity of the south were compromised by the union army and navy.4 In this regard, Mahan’s view of navy power could be seen as accounts of truth that were to happen. On the case of Britain, Mahan believed that in late 18th and 19th centuries, Britain had been better placed because parliament had been dominated by men with close ties to maritime commerce. In his view of naval supremacy in the 20th century, he believed that not a single democratized nation would be capable of commanding such supremacy and that this would only be exercised by a transnational group of navies.5 However, he insisted that the basis of such an arrangement would not be formal agreement but absence of political conflict. In his view, he believed that Britain and the United States would constitute such cooperation. However, in quest for superpower supremacy, the US has predominantly set its programs and doctrines to enable it attain this dream. In September 2002, the bush administration issued its national security strategy, which advocated for use of force to get rid of any apparent challenge to US global hegemony.6 This could be analyzed as grand strategy by the US to maintain its world dominance. However, in many situations, the US mission can be termed as a failed one. In fact, due to its dominance

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Research In Regard To Shoplifting Psychology Essay

Research In Regard To Shoplifting Psychology Essay In critically reviewing the research in regard to shoplifting done by the security manager, a definition of research will be stated and the following aspects will be analysed and critiqued. Initially, throughout the essay the manager would be complemented for taking the initiative to conduct a research founded on a concern to deal with shoplifting, and the research methodologies used to examine the problem. This would be followed by a critical analysis to identify the strength and weaknesses, beginning with examining the first stage of the investigations which looks at the research problems to determine if the author provided a good argument for the research. The essay will focus on the following, a literature review to determine if the researcher reviewed sufficient information before conducting the research. Methods used during the process of the survey are in compliance with established theories such as qualitative, which include unstructured interviews, observation study, also a comparison between qualitative and quantitative research methods. In addition special attention will be paid to the data collection methods together with the examination of existing information and the ethical violations by the researcher which compromised the validity and reliability of the investigation. The final discussion and interpretation to determine of the finding of the research to determine if the discussion fit with the data collected, taking into consideration if any limitations were encountered which could have influenced the discussion from presenting a logical based result. Research by definition, according to the (Merriam-Webster online Dictionary) states it is a studious inquiry or examination especially, investigations or experimentations aimed at the discovery and interpretation of facts, revision of accepted theories or laws in the light of new facts, or practical application of such new or revised theories or laws: The collecting of information about a particular subject. Research Problem All security managers should be complimented for the initiative to conduct a research which would assist in examining and addressing some of the concerns they were faced with in their organization. On the other hand, in the initial stage of any research there are some fundamental stages that need to be followed in order for the research report to be truly noteworthy. The author indicated the objective for his research was to study shoplifting by costumers and focus on a number of other aspects within the store. These included the volume of shoplifting, the influence of the new CCTV equipment on such and why people actually shoplift. When conducting research it is important to identify the following: What exactly one wants to study? Why it is worth studying? Does the proposed study contribute to our general understanding of crime or its policy response? (Maxfield Babbie, 2008:111). The researcher should also begin by clearly identifying the problem and providing a good argument for s ignificance and determining its relevance (Rodgers (1997). The manager needs to acknowledge that in order to achieve the objective of any research report, there are guidelines that ought to be meticulously evaluated in conducting such an exercise. Literature Review An acknowledgement of some previous research on shoplifting previously done is noteworthy. However, the managers opinion that none for the particular shop was done, and earlier research was not relevant, to the existing research, could seriously put the study at a disadvantage. One of the most important elements in the beginning of a research project is the literature review. According to (Hart 1998 cited in Bell 2008:99) without it, you will not acquire an understanding of your topic, of what has already been done on it, how it has been researched, and what are the key issues. A literature review proposes to offer an overview of relevant literature published on the topic, taking the four stages into consideration. Problem formulation, which considers the topic being examined and what are the component issues, literature research includes finding materials relevant to the subject being explored, data evaluation to determine which literature makes a significant contribution to underst anding the topic, and analysis and interpretation of the findings and conclusion of pertinent literature.(Department of Criminology,2010).The absence of a literature review from the research denied the author critical information that could have assisted in addressing the concerns of shop lifting at the store and a guide for the project. Research Method As a consequence of the number of things under consideration by the researcher with regard to shoplifting at the store, research methods needed to be developed for the study. These take into account using all the necessary processes to achieve the best outcome (Schutt 2004:16) states a researcher can get a clearer picture of the social reality being studied by viewing it observed his method included the use of quantitative research by making use of official data and questionnaires in addition to qualitative data by having interviews, also observation studies. Both qualitative and quantitative methods are useful and legitimate. And some research situation and topics require elements of both approaches (Maxfield Babbie, 2008:26). The importance of research methods should not be underestimated, when seeking to find answers or correct a problem of a social reality. Hence research methodologies form an integral part of any research to be conducted, which has the key to observing the same thing from a different viewpoint. Qualitative research The official data used to determine the volume of shoplifting at the shop were computerised records of inventory taken into the shop as compared to goods sold or otherwise accounted for. However, this measure does not accurately determine the reason for high numbers of unaccounted items at the store, for there could be a number of other factors that could have led to such increasing numbers within the four-month period under review, (Maxfield Babbie. 2008:306 states Store inventory records could be used to estimate losses by customer theft, but this obscures the difference between shoplifting by customers and employee theft. Qualitative methods used in studying data as part of the investigation is commendable, qualitative research is the form of research that is not concerned or interested in what is true or false or what can be proved or disproved, as well as considering the way people understand things and patterns of behaviour. activities that make up this method of research inco rporates , interviews, observations, analysing interactions and conversations including analysing documents,(Department of Criminology,2010).The assumption that shoplifting was on the increase in as much as security officers were catching more people at the shop and the past week two persons were processed by police together with more dodgy persons stopping over at the shop was based purely on observations and lacked adequate data whereby they could have appropriately measure the variables. Interviews Unstructured interviews were used to determine the amount of shoplifting at the shop. Nevertheless, in conducting interviews be it structured or unstructured there must be some ethical consideration when using this method. According to Hart and Bond (1995:198-201 cited in Bell 2008 :44) action research in health and social care, provide examples of different types of code of practice or protocol, which requires researchers to ensure that participants are fully aware of the purpose of the research and understand their rights. The manager choice of semi-structured interviews must be highly praised, for unstructured interviews are most appropriate when researchers have little knowledge about a topic and when its reasonable for them to have a casual conservation with a subject (Maxfeild Babbie, 2008:288). Interviews with both line managers and other records indicated that there was a great deal of shoplifting taking place at the shop. However, both interviews were not conducted at the p roper time to elicit the information necessary in assisting the manager to come to a conclusion as to determine that shop lifting was on the increase at the shop. This factors could have result in bias as there is always dangers in research carried out by individual researchers, particularly those who have strong views about the topic they are researching (Bell, 2008: 166).Structured or unstructured interviews must comply with the general ethics of undertaking such an exercise for many organizations now have ethical guidelines, codes of practice and protocols (Bell, 2008:57) Observational study Observation study was one of the methods used by the researcher to determine why people shoplift. While this is one of the methods by which investigation could be used to collect data, it is not an easy option, according to (Nisbet 1977:15 cited in Bell, 2008:184) careful planning and piloting are essential, and it takes practice to get the most out of this technique. However, once mastered, it can reveal characteristics of group or individuals, which would have been impossible to discover by another means. An afternoon spent walking around the store watching for people shoplifting was done by the security manager in order to collect data; this can be explained as solo observation. However, there is always a danger of accusation of bias or misinterpretation with this type of observation (Bell, 2008:185).In conducting observation studies be it structured or unstructured, participant or non-participant; there are certain guide lines to follow in order to achieve exactly what you need t o know. To begin with consideration should be given as to what information is needed and what approach should be adopted also pilot your method and invite someone to observe with you and compare notes afterwards to see if you saw the same thing (Bell, 2008:185). This emphasizes the point that even though the observation study was unstructured the basic principle for this type of investigation was lacking. On the other hand, the researcher must be commended for employing this method to assist with obtaining the necessary information to establish why people shoplift. Quantitative research Quantitative research methods as compared to qualitative research methods differ primarily in their analytical objectives. While qualitative explores attitudes, and experiences through such methods as interviews, observations, analysing interactions and conversations, including analysing documents,(Department of Criminology,2010).On the other hand quantitative research generates data through the use of a large scale survey via methods such as questionnaires and structured interviews. This type of research reaches many more people, but the contact with target groups is much quicker than it is in qualitative research (Sanchez, 2006) .The researcher decision to design a questionnaire to address why people shoplift is certainly a step in the right direction towards achieving this objective. However, in exercising this option, and considering the survey is likely to get the information required, a well designed questionnaire must be produced that will be acceptable and should pose no prob lem at the analysis and interpretation stage(Bell,2008:136 ). The author points out that he gave out 30 questionnaires to his friends and also to get their friends to fill it in,(Gill,2005:313) stated self administered questionnaire can produce unreliable data as results depend on respondents.(Bell,2008: 148 ) also states, There are distinct advantages in being able to give questionnaires to respondents personally. You can explain the purpose of the study, and in some cases questionnaires can be completed on the spot. You are likely to get better cooperation if you can establish personal contact. The method employed the researcher in delivering the questionnaire could have compromised the information received on their return. Data collection and analysis When deciding to carry out a research project, in the initial stages one should consider how to collect the evidence you require, additionally what is the best way to acquire the information (Bell, 2008:115). The use of official data from the store to identify inventory taken into the shop in comparison to inventory accounted for, as well as unaccounted inventory must be applauded. Analysis of data for the periods under review to determine whether if any significant change in shoplifting before and after the introduction of CCTV confirmed that twenty percent of the inventory was not accounted for in both case. Hence it could not be proven there was a decrease in shoplifting. Generalization is a key concern in research design. We rarely have the resources to study the entire population that is of interest to us, so we have to select cases to study that allow our findings to be generalized to the population of interest. None the less since we can never be sure that our findings will ho ld under all conditions. We should be cautious in generalizing to populations that we do not actually sample. (Schutt, 2004: : 19). Interpretation of results collected from the questionnaire was based on assumptions and not from a proper examination of the data collected. Statements such as, most shoplifting is committed by females for the thrill is not accurate at the point of view two out of ten females answering the questionnaire shoplifted many times, which represents a mere twenty percent.(Bell,2008: 110) writes research findings can be dangerous if they are used in an undisciplined way stating that the research proves x or y without any corroborating evidence to warrant such an assertion. In analysing data collected one should not make claims, which cannot be justified from the evidence presented. Ethical consideration There is no sign throughout the entire research project where the investigator indicated that an ethic committee existed or permission from any supervisor to carry out the survey was granted. (Bell, 2008: 43) explains, at one time, it was possible to have permission for small pieces of research to be done by the head of a department. However, with era change in most cases the supervisor will be aware of any limitations or legal requirement related to researching and ensure that proper standards are in place during the preparation stages of collecting data. Ethical consideration should not be compromised when doing any research project, for any data collected from any of the research methods without consent from participants, create an inherent danger to the reliability and validity of the information collected,(Department of Criminology,2010).The semi- structured interviews, with both line managers is an excellent research method, but they were unaware that an interview was been carr ied out at the time and information collected would be used by the researcher to inform certain conclusions.(Bell,2008:156) points out researchers still have a responsibility to explain as fully as possible what the research is about ,why you wish to interview them, what will be involved an what you will do with the information obtained. During the observational study the young woman arrested for shoplifting and was offered a reward in exchange for information illustrates the importance for ethical concerns in obtaining information. The reliability of the information received through coercion will dispute the authenticity of the data collected. Whenever a research is conducted on persons the well being of the research participants must be top priority. The question of the research is of secondary importance. This explains that if a choice is made between doing harm to the participants and doing harm to the research, it is the research that is sacrificed (Sanchez, 2006). Discussion and Interpretation of findings Raw data taken from the questionnaires, interviews and other methods used need to be recorded analysed and interpreted. (Bell, 2008:203).The researchers discussion and analysis as a consequence of the data collected, asserts that shoplifting is a real problem that is only going to get worse. However, the results presented did not indicate if the results fits with the data collected, any conclusions forwarded need to be accompanied by evidence to support its claim. Taking into consideration data collected during the research as compared to authors statements highlighted this fact. The findings needed to identify limitation of the study and how it affected the quality of the study; challenges encountered in collecting the questionnaire together with the low return ratio would have certainly compromised the fact as to why persons shoplift together with the ages and sex of the offenders. Gathering large amount of information in the hope that something will emerge is not recommended in sm all investigations also selecting research method which are suitable for the task and which can easily analysed, interpreted and presented (Bell, 2008:203).Reliability and validity of the information to determine that CCTV is the solution to the problem is not supported by the statistical data presented. Before and after the installation of the CCTV simple arithmetical procedures related to percentage was not used to analyse the numbers so as to determine if shoplifting prior to and following produced significant changes. According to (Bassey, 1981:85 cited in Bell 2008:202) An important criterion for judging the merit of case study is the extent to which the details are sufficient and appropriate for a teacher working in a similar situation to relate his decision making to that described in the case study. The reliability of a case study is more important than its generalizability. Interpretation of the data collected requires greater analysis before revealing that several things were clear from the research. In determining if a research project ought to be undertaken it must be resolved if the problem is clearly identified, together with providing a good argument for such an investigation. The objective of any research by its definition is aimed at the discovery and interpretation of facts. However, in striving to achieve such this requires the researcher follow the necessary steps that would assist in accomplishing the goals of the investigations. A literature review of previous researches could be an essential first step in understanding the subject. The utilitization of multiple methods to study the research is recommended, which would assist to observe things from a perspective which could challenge or confirm the finding of one method with those of another. Both qualitative and quantitative used were legitimate and helpful in assisting to address the compilation and analysis of information. The differences between both methods were identified, and it was understood that they varied primarily in their analytical objective, while qualitative methods are not keen in what is true or false or what can be proven or disproved. Quantitative on the other hand, produce data through the use of a large scale survey. The possibility of doing a research project should not prevent researchers from considering ethical issues, and aiming at the principle of one having the informed approval from the appropriate review board where the rights of human participants are protected. In the final discussion and analysis of data collected during the investigation, one has to be conscious of the fact that interpretation of the findings must be logically based before making any declaration.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Essay on the Selfish Mrs. Mallard in Kate Chopins The Story of an Hour

Selfish Mrs. Mallard in The Story of an Hour  Ã‚   Kate Chopin’s story, "The Story of an Hour," may seem to be about Mrs. Mallard’s unexpected and ironic reactions to the news of her husband’s untimely death due to a railroad disaster. At least that’s what I thought when I read the story. It seemed to me that she led a normal life with a normal marriage. She had a stable home life with a kind, loving husband who cared for her. She seemed to love him, sometimes. She had some kind of "heart trouble" (Chopin 25) that didn’t really affect her physically, until the very end. I thought Mrs. Mallard would have been saddened and filled with grief for an adequate period of time after her spouse died, but her grief passed quickly, and she embraced a new life that she seemed to be content with. Therefore I believe there is good evidence that Mrs. Mallard was an ungrateful woman who did not appreciate her husband or his love for her. That evidence is found in her selfish behavior after the death of her husband, Brently Mallard. Mrs. Mallard’s reaction to the sad news was natural, but her time spent to overcome her melancholy feelings passed too rapidly. All of a sudden she was eager to start her widowed life. Immediately after she heard the sad news of her husband’s death, "She wept at once, with sudden, wild abandonment, in her sister’s arms" (Chopin 25). This is acceptable and understandable to me because I feel that anyone who had just lost his/her spouse would want to be comforted by a close family member. The story then reads, "When the storm of grief had spent itself she went away to her room alone. She would have no one follow her" (Chopin 25). I found it to be odd that she would just get up and head straight for her room. The t... ...ishness that got its just reward? Work Cited Chopin, Kate. "The Story of an Hour." The Harper Anthology of Fiction. Ed. Sylvan Barnet. New York: HarperCollins, 1991. Works Consulted Bender, Bert. "Kate Chopin." Short Story Criticism. Ed. Thomas Votteler. Vol. 8. Detroit: Gale Research Inc., 1991. 20 vols. Ewell, Barbara C. "Kate Chopin." Short Story Criticism. Ed. Thomas Votteler. Vol. 8. Detroit: Gale Research Inc., 1991. 20 vols. Magill, Frank N., ed. Critical Survey of Short Fiction. Revised ed. Vol. 2. Pasadena: Salem Press, 1993. 7 vols. Seyersted, Per. "Kate Chopin." Twentieth Century Literary Criticism. Eds. James E. Person, Jr. and Dennis Poupard. Vol. 14. Detroit: Gale Research Company, 1984. 60 vols. Skaggs, Peggy. "Kate Chopin." Short Story Criticism. Ed. Thomas Votteler. Vol. 8. Detroit: Gale Research Inc., 1991. 20 vols.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Ford Motor Company and Penske Logistics Case Study Essay

Abstract In this case study I would highlight the importance of Penske Logistics to Ford Motor Company, one of the world’s largest automotive manufacturers. Penske has a good reputation and are highly valuable in the logistics field. They are very famous in using a process that identifies and removes errors efficiently with a set of tools that increases productivity in the business called Six Sigma. Penske had many challenges to overcome like developing and implementing and operate a centralized logistics network, also streamline supplier and carrier operations to improve performance and accountability, and finally provide a real time supply chain and financial visibility. Some of the solutions for the decentralized network, was to established 10 distribution centers, 1,200 trailers ship to and from the distribution centers per day with most trucks operate at 95% capacity and reduce plant inventory by 15%. To improve performance Penske trained 1,500 suppliers on a set of procedures in the logistic aspect, also they came up with carrier requirements for performance. Penske established strict accountability procedures for real time visibility of delivery status and routing schedules for the supply chain procedures. For financial visibility, they created a new freight billing system to capture logistics costs. In addition to all of this problems and solutions, Penske wants to be the leader provider of logistics management to Ford Motor Company to be well known out there in the business and to create long lasting alliances for their future benefit. Ford is an enormous company that owns different car brands in today’s market. Lincoln, Mercury, Land Rover, Aston Martin and Volvo make part of an alliance that is run by Ford. Ford was in big trouble with their decentralized logistic operations because they had 20 North American assembly plants run by 20 different logistic management operations. It was a complete mess because aside from all the other important car brands joining they didn’t have any control over their daily operations decreasing funds for material handling and transportation. Ford hired Penske to become a centralized operation run by only one company and not 20 different companies. This will increase both velocity and visibility throughout the network and reduce supply chain products. Penske would manage all 19 assembly plants as well as seven stamping pants. Penske develop a new logistics program called the Penske Logistics Center emphasizing in four different core components: Establish inbound Origin Distribution Centers, reduce premium freight costs, real time visibility of shipments, schedule and orders and improve freight billing and claim processing. After this plan was accepted and processed Penske/Ford started working together to achieve the best for the production of the motor company. They started evaluating the current network design and find out that this plan needed to be changed since it was being inefficient allowing excessive inventory increasing storage costs at plant level. To centralize transportation and distribution centers Penske created 10 ODCs for the purpose of having a central delivery point for suppliers. With this in effect shipments would now be cross-docked into trailers at the ODCs and loads would be delivered on a schedule basis instead of delivering half empty trucks. For carrier and premium freight management Penske goal was to maximize carrier service and minimize carrier costs. Since there were more strict requirements for carriers they would now have to meet safety, technological and equipment specifications, provide experience and certified drivers and most importantly show proven experience of on time delivery and pickups for the customer satisfaction. Carriers would now have a 15 minute window for on time delivery and pickup, also a manager will be on site for proper handling and order accuracy. Now with the new Carrier Rating System in effect all incidents would be recorded in the book and corrective actions for carriers would be in effect as well as carriers that have too many discrepancies in incidents would have a low carrier rating decreasing their chances on participating on future bids. Penske implemented new and advance information technology solutions, but one that caught my attention was the fact that drivers will now be provided with PDA scanners and an electronic driver log to process the claims faster and order receipts. Also every truck need to have satellite communications and engine monitoring systems for load tracking, delivery of individual parts is also scanned by using new innovative cross-dock scanners. With all of this new features developed and the centralized approach working the financial part needed to be clear as mud. Penske would provide drivers with an easy and simple set of procedures for accounting purposes. With the new Freight Billing System Ford can now tell which plant is producing less or which one is producing the most. 700 inbound and 500 outbound trailers move in and out Ford ODCs per day with most loads carrying at 95% capacity, unused docking space is being extremely high resulting in a 15% inventory reduction. The supply chain with the suppliers is now better and the new Carrier Rating System has put carriers in a dark spot by now increasing their service and getting better everyday so that they don’t get a low carrier rating for future bids or future references for other Motor Companies. With ODCs monitoring shipments in and out Ford can now see the overall supply chain costs per plant in case they need to cut expenses in the future they can shorten one plant and leave 19 more to generate revenue. The Penske Logistics center is also a success providing a single point of contact instead of 20 different points for logistics purposes. Penske not only work for their benefit to grow as a company but they have shorten expenses to Ford by reducing six ODCs and leaving four in full capacity so that new assembly plants can be created for production purposes. Ford has honored Penske with many awards like the Q1award which is the highest recognition of superior supplier quality. Recently in May 11, 2012 The European Logistics Association also honored this two companies for the European Logistics Award Excellence. I think that this case study was a definite success not only for Ford Motor Company, but for Penske Logistics. They both worked together and in only 18 months they have done major improvements to the automotive industry that the competition would follow and perform effectively. Penske with 40+ years as a logistic provider would now be a prestigious company that not only the automotive industry will want but the industrial, retail, electrical and many more industries will like to have on their side. I learned that the importance of the Six Sigma concept is really important for a company technological advancements in productivity and competency. Reducing errors to zero and making a complete and perfect order is crucial for centralized operations and to maintain streamline operations. I also learned that without logistics goods or in this case cars can’t be transport it is almost impossible to send a car overseas without the proper tracking, communications and on time delivery and pickup. In a nut shell, I think that only leaving four open for full capacity is a mistake because assembly plants will be more increasing the demand, but on the other hand it decreased expenses and generate revenue. REFERENCES Penske Logistics Providers (2013, January). Ford Motor Company: Six Sigma initiatives streamline operations. Retrieved from http:// SharonVille Organizations (2011, January). Penske Logistics engineering supply chains delivering business results. Retrieved from

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Concentration of HCL affecting surface area to vol ratio Essay

The research question that this report is going to discuss is â€Å"What is the relationship between concentration of hydrochloric acid (HCl) and the rate of diffusion? † My hypothesis for this research question is that change in rate of diffusion will be observed when the agar blocks are placed in solutions of different concentrations of HCl. As the concentration of HCl increases, the rate of diffusion will also increase due to the steeper concentration gradient created. To investigate the change in rate of diffusion when different concentrations of HCl are used, I used agar blocks that are stained with universal indicator that would change from green to pink when exposed to HCl. To prepare the agar blocks, I used knife and ruler to acquire 5 agar blocks with equal dimensions of 3. 0cm by 1. 0cm by 0. 5cm. Then I prepared 5 different concentrations of HCl with equal volume of 5cm^3 in test tubes, which were 0. 0M. 0. 2M, 0. 4M, 0. 6M, 0. 8M and finally 1. 0M of HCl. Then, I placed the agar blocks into respective test tubes, measuring the time taken for the agar blocks to turn from green to completely pink. This was repeated 2 more times, having 3 set of readings in total. The results collected showed an increasing trend in the rate of diffusion as the concentration of HCl increased. This clearly supported the hypothesis I derived at. (227 words) ? Content Page Abstract2 Content Page3 Introduction4 Research question:4 Hypothesis:4 Introduction (2)5 Literature Review5 Methodology6 Results8 Results (2)9 Discussion10 Limitations11 Improvements11 Conclusion12 Bibliography13 ? Introduction Research question: How does change in concentration of hydrochloric acid (HCl) affect the rate of diffusion through the agar blocks which contain starch stained with universal indicator, while keeping surrounding temperature, the surface area to volume ratio of agar blocks used and the volume of solution to which the agar blocks were placed constant? Hypothesis: Change in rate of diffusion will be observed when agar blocks are placed in solutions of different concentrations of HCl. As the concentration of HCl increases, the rate of diffusion will also increase due to the steeper concentration gradient created ? Introduction (2) Literature Review Diffusion is known as the net movement of particles from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration along the concentration gradient. There are few factors that affect the rate of diffusion, the time taken for both regions to have equal amount of particles. One of them is temperature. It is known that temperature has the greatest effect on diffusion rates and is the easiest of the factors to change. Increasing the temperature increases the diffusion rate by adding energy to each particle. This is because particles with more energy can move to the region of lower concentration with more speed and more easily. Similarly, lowering the temperature will lower the diffusion rate by lowering the energy of each particle. Another important factor that changes the rate of diffusion is the concentration gradient, which we will be exploring in this experiment. The rate of diffusion depends on the difference between concentrations across the region of lower concentration and higher concentration, with steeper concentration differences resulting in higher diffusion rates (Simon 2013). This can be explained by Fick’s Law, which can be summarised by this equation: Rate of diffusion is proportional to(surface area x difference in concentration )/(Length of diffusion path). From the equation derived from Fick’s Law, it is clearly seen that the difference in concentration (concentration gradient) will increase the rate of diffusion (Michael Kent 2000). This theory can be used to explain real life situations, like how human lungs take in oxygen and give out carbon dioxide in a split second. It is due to the great difference in concentrations of both gases (very steep concentration gradient) that allows relatively fast rate of diffusion. For instance, when breathing in, the concentration of oxygen in alveoli is very high compared to that in the blood vessels surrounding the alveoli. Thus, rate of diffusion is great, allowing oxygen to diffuse as fast as possible. (BBC 2013) Methodology Table 1.1-Table of variables and how it is controlled VariablesDetails of variablesHow it is controlled Independent VariableConcentration of HClConcentration of HCl is controlled by the amount of distilled water added to HCl. For example, in order to achieve a concentration of 0. 2 moldm^(-3), 1. 0 cm^3 of 1 mol of HCl is added, with 4 cm^3 of distilled water added. Dependent VariableRate of Diffusion The time is taken by a stopwatch until the agar blo ck turns pink in colour completely. Controlled VariableTemperature of the surrounding Surface area to volume ratio of the agar blocks Volume of solution to place the agar blocks into. Temperature is set at an air-conditioned room in a Biology lab The agar blocks are cut into same length, same breadth and same height (3. 0 cm by 1. 0 cm by 0. 5cm), thus having the same volume and surface area. This ensures the ratio is the same. The volume of solutions used is kept the same at 5. 0cm^3. Table 1. 2-Apparatus used in the experiment Apparatus QuantityUncertainty 2% Starch Agar (Universal Indicator stained)– 1. 0 M Hydrochloric Acid (aq)– Deionized Water– Stop Watch2 ±0. 01s This might be due to the inaccurate cutting of the dimension of the agar blocks. It could also be due to our inability to decide whether the agar blocks have turned completely green to pink in colour. Thus, the calculated rate of diffusion could have changed. Limitations Some of the results were not as accurate as it was difficult to see whether the agar blocks have turned entirely pink in colour. Some of the agar blocks still had strips of green in them when we removed it from the solution and cut it. This could have affected the time taken for the agar blocks to turn entirely pink and thus, affecting the rate of diffusion. The temperature of the solutions containing the agar blocks might not be constant throughout the whole experiment. This can be due to holding of test tubes with our hands and also putting it down again several times. The heat from the hand might get transferred and the temperature might be altered. This can affect the time taken for the agar blocks to turn completely pink, as higher temperature induce faster rate of diffusion. Some of the results are not very accurate as the surface area to volume ratio was not constant for all the agar blocks tested. One of the reasons is due to the limited amount of agar blocks that were allocated for each bench. Another reason is that it was difficult to use the knife provided to cut the agar blocks in a straight manner and as accurately. This limitation can affect the time taken for agar blocks to turn pink, followed by the rate of diffusion, as some blocks are bigger while some are smaller than the others. Improvements In order to make sure that the agar blocks have turned entirely pink, use a light and put it in a white background where the colour changed is more visible. Then, the calculated rate of diffusion will not be affected. Place the test tubes in a water bath where the temperature can be kept constant at the temperature of tap water. This way, the calculated rate of diffusion will not be affected. Lastly, use a stamp with all the desirable dimension of the agar blocks measured. This way, not only is it convenient, it also helps us acquire the accurate dimensions of the agar blocks, having the same surface area to volume ratio for all the agar blocks. Then, the calculated rate of diffusion will not be affected. Conclusion In conclusion, the readings and the derived results in the form of tables, and line graph support my hypothesis, which is: Change in rate of diffusion will be observed when agar blocks are placed in solutions of different concentrations of HCl. As the concentration of HCl increases, the rate of diffusion will also increase due to the steeper concentration gradient created. With the derived conclusion, it shows that in order for rate of diffusion to be greater, higher concentration of the solution must be used, so that the concentration gradient is steeper.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

A Doomed Tragedy essays

A Doomed Tragedy essays Mourning Becomes Electra(1931), a masterpiece play in American literary history, is a trilogy dealing with the tragic story happening to a New England family in the Civil War period. As T.S. Eliot once observed, good poets borrow, while great poet steal. The great playwright Eugene ONeil also stole the plot for Mourning Becomes Electra from Oresteia by Aeschylus, a noted Greek tragedian. He successfully situated the ancient story of family murder and divine retribution in civil war America and proved it to be an artistic triumph. Apparently, the title indicates ONeils interest in the daughter, Lavinia Mannon(Electra), who avenges the murder of her father Ezra( Agamemnon) by his wife Christine(Clytemnestra) and her lover, Ezras cousin Adam Brant(Aegisthus). Part one of the trilogy, Homecoming, describes Ezras poisoning upon his return to New England in 1865 from serving as a Union general in the American civil war; part two, The Hunted, depicts the outraged Lavinia manipulating her neurotic, Oedipal brother Orin(Orestes) into killing Brant and goading Christine into taking her life. The final play, The Haunted, finds Lavinia worried that Orin, driven half-insane by guilt and incestuous desire, will confess and tarnish the Mannon name. She drives her brother to suicide, then entombs herself within the family mansion for the remainder of her life. At the heart of the play lies the central theme, the stranglehold of past on present. The past is governed by ones ancestors. The ancestral Mannnon family was powerful and respectable, it was not doomed until Ezras father expels his brother, Brants father, from the family when both lust after the same woman. This may be the primal sin that set off the scenario of mishap in the Mannon house. And , along with Lavinias growing resemblance to Christine, Orins to Ezra, and Ezra to the zealots, generals and judges who prece...

Monday, October 21, 2019

History of the Colosseum or Flavian Amphitheater

History of the Colosseum or Flavian Amphitheater The Colosseum or Flavian Amphitheater is one of the most well-known of the ancient Roman structures because so much of it still remains. Meaning: Amphitheater comes from the Greek amphi ~ on both sides and theatron ~ semicircular viewing place or theater. An Improvement Over the Existing Design The Circus The Colosseum in Rome is an amphitheater. It was developed as an improvement over the differently shaped  but similarly used Circus Maximus, for gladiatorial combats, wild beast fights (venationes), and mock naval battles (naumachiae). Spine: Elliptical in shape, the circus had a fixed central divider called a spina down the middle, which was useful in chariot races, but got in the way during fights.Viewing: In addition, the spectators view was limited in the circus. The amphitheater put spectators on all sides of the action. Flimsy Early Amphitheaters In 50 B.C., C. Scribonius Curio built the first amphitheater in Rome to stage his fathers funeral games. Curios amphitheater and the next one, built in 46 B.C., by Julius Caesar, were made of wood. The weight of the spectators was at times too great for the wooden structure and, of course, the wood was easily destroyed by fire. Stable Amphitheater Emperor Augustus designed a more substantial amphitheater to stage venationes, but it wasnt until the Flavian emperors, Vespasian and Titus, that the enduring, limestone, brick, and marble Amphitheatrum Flavium (aka Vespasians Amphitheater) was built. The construction utilized a careful combination of types: concrete for the foundations, travertine for the piers and arcades, tufa infill between piers for the walls of the lower two levels, and brick-faced concrete used for the upper levels and for most of the vaults.Great Buildings Online - Roman Colosseum The amphitheater was dedicated in A.D. 80, in a ceremony lasting a hundred days, with the slaughter of 5000 sacrificial animals. The amphitheater may not have been finished, however, until the reign of Titus brother Domitian. Lightning damaged the amphitheater, but later emperors repaired and maintained it until the games were ended in the sixth century. Source of the Name Colosseum The medieval historian Bede applied the name Colosseum (Colyseus) to the Amphitheatrum Flavium, possibly because the amphitheater which had taken back the pond on the land Nero had devoted to his extravagant golden palace (domus aurea) stood beside a colossal statue of Nero. This etymology is disputed. Size of the Flavian Amphitheater The tallest Roman structure, the colosseum was about 160 feet high and covered about six acres. Its long axis is 188m and its short, 156m. Construction used 100,000 cubic meters of travertine (like the cella of the Temple of Hercules Victor), and 300 tons of iron for clamps, according to Filippo Coarelli in Rome and Environs. Although all the seats are gone, at the end of the 19th century, the seating potential was calculated and the figures are generally accepted. There were likely 87,000 seats in 45-50 rows inside the colosseum. Coarelli says social standing determined seating, so those rows closest to the action were reserved for the senatorial classes, whose special seats were inscribed with their names and made of marble. Women were separated at public events from the time of the earliest emperor, Augustus. The Romans probably held mock sea battles in the Flavian Amphitheater. Vomitoria There were 64 numbered doors to let spectators in and out that were called vomitoria. N.B.: Vomitoria were exits, not places spectators regurgitated the contents of their stomachs to facilitate binge eating and drinking. People vomited forth, so to speak, from the exits. Other Noteworthy Aspects of the Colosseum There were substructures under the fighting area that may have been animal dens or channels for water for or from the mock naval battles. It is hard to determine how the Romans produced venationes and naumachiae on the same day. A removable awning called velarium provided the spectators with shade from the sun. The outside of the Flavian amphitheater has three rows of arches, each built according to a different order of architecture, Tuscan (the simplest, Doric, but with an Ionic base), on the ground level, then Ionic, and then the most ornate of the three Greek orders, the Corinthian. The vaults of the Colosseum were both barrel and groined (where barrel arches intersect each other at right angles). The core was concrete, with the exterior covered in cut stone.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Tackle the 2015-16 Common Application Essay Prompts - The Essay Expert

How to Tackle the 2015-16 Common Application Essay Prompts - The Essay Expert In preparation for a TV interview on Channel 3000 last summer, I researched the new Common Application Essay questions. Somehow I got it into my head that I had already written about them since I had researched them. But in actuality, I did not share these new topics on my blog! Now that it’s college application season, I am really and truly sharing the Common Application Essay Prompts for 2015-2016. These new college essay prompts, on which I’ve commented below, were crafted based on survey results from almost 6,000 people who were members and constituents of the Common Application organization. The parts that changed from last year are in italics: Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it.  If this sounds like you, then please share your story. (Previous prompt: â€Å"Some students have a background or story that is so central to their identity that they believe their application would be incomplete without it†¦.†) I like that â€Å"identity, interest, and talent† were added as options and that the words â€Å"so central to your identity† were replaced with â€Å"meaningful.† These changes open up the question to a broader range of possible responses, and frankly take some pressure off. Not every applicant has a background that they consider â€Å"so central to their identity that they believe their application would be incomplete without it.† But just about everyone has something in their life that’s meaningful enough to be important to share with the admissions committee. The lessons we take from failure can be fundamental to later success. Recount an incident or time when you experienced failure. How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience? (First sentence was added to prompt.) Honestly, I don’t love this addition. To me it’s too handholding and should be clear to any student writing an essay about failure. Perhaps schools were not getting enough essays that showed how students applied the lessons they learned from their failures? But I would think a student’s approach to this essay would be one of the aspects admissions officers would want to consider, without handing a directive to them on a silver platter. Reflect on a time when you challenged a belief or idea. What prompted you to act? Would you make the same decision again? (No change.) In my experience, this question proves challenging for most high school students. Few youngsters at that age have gone against the grain in a meaningful way. I recall in second grade challenging teachers who were talking during a fire drill, and, in high school, writing an editorial expressing my dislike of the student dress code. Neither was serious fodder for a college essay. Nevertheless, for those debaters and newspaper editors and political activists in the college application pool, answering this prompt might be just the right road to admission. Describe a problem you’ve solved or a problem you’d like to solve. It can be an intellectual challenge, a research query, an ethical dilemma-anything that is of personal importance, no matter the scale. Explain its significance to you and what steps you took or could be taken to identify a solution. (Completely new prompt, replacing this previous one: â€Å"Describe a place or environment where you are perfectly content. What do you do or experience there, and why is it meaningful to you?†) I like this change a lot! The previous question was fairly bland and presented a difficult writing challenge, with no obvious opportunity to show growth. The new question, in contrast, provides an exciting opportunity for students to display their intellectual prowess or emotional intelligence. Discuss an accomplishment or event, formal or informal, that marked your transition from childhood to adulthood within your culture, community, or family. (No change.) This might be the prompt to go or be changed significantly in 2016-17. Can you imagine thousands of students struggling to find something â€Å"different† to say about their Bar Mitzvah or Eagle Scout project? However, the prompt does offer an opportunity to explore and describe a unique childhood-to-adulthood transition. I remember fondly, for instance, the essay of one of my clients who taught his sister how to ride a bike, going from being annoyed at her wimpiness to owning his teacher role and succeeding in his task. The challenge here is to steer clear of anything clichà ©. That’s my take on the new College Application essays. As for other people’s opinions on these prompts, almost all of those surveyed agreed that the current prompts would generate effective essays on the whole. A slight majority believed the â€Å"story/background† prompt is the most effective, and I agree. In fact, most students could probably answer that question and submit a very effective essay; but there’s value in offering four more ways for students to approach thinking about their unique offerings and how to talk about their lives in 650 words. Note that very few participants in the survey wanted the â€Å"Topic of Your Choice† topic back. This is understandable since a student could write about pretty much any topic of their choice that’s personal to them and fit it within one of the current essay choices. If your child is applying to college and wants support on writing a great response to the Common Application questions, contact The Essay Expert. Remember, approximately 26% of all college applicants hire an admissions consultant, and your child is in the same pool they are. You might also enjoy some of my other articles about college essays and admissions.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Research Methods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Research Methods - Essay Example A fairly classic, everyday example of this is a fictional study that found a correlation between ice cream consumption and murder rates. In studying the two variables in a specific area, e.g., New York City, it would become clear that there is a relationship between ice cream consumption and murder because over the course of the year, they both rise and fall in a seemingly related pattern. Does homicidal proclivity derive from consuming too much ice cream No, it doesn't. The confounding variable here is the heat. As summer becomes hotter, people eat more ice cream; research has shown they also tend to have more violent outbursts. In this case, there is no valid relationship between the two variables even though, from a limited perspective, there appears to be one. For a research study to be effective or believable, it has to have strong conclusions (validity) which are based on consistent measurements (reliability); thus, the research design needs to consider these two elements and factor in methods which ensure a high quantity of each (Cohen, Manion, & Morrison, 2000, p. 129). This approach provides the reader or researcher with confidence that the data was measured in a scientific and repeatable way, and that the conclusions are accurate and truthful as we can best understand them.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Science in the Media Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Science in the Media - Assignment Example The robots would perform tasks like removal of waste, burial of dead bodies and other operations. The scientists are still in the negotiation process of whether to go on with the plan or not (John, 2014). Ebola is a viral disease that has threatened the lives of people especially in West Africa since its outbreak. The disease is very dangerous and can easily be transmitted from one party to the other. It has proved a nightmare to be managed because the health care providers have put their lives into risk while others have lost their lives. Governments and states over the world have also given grants and technical advice in the fight against to help contain the disease before spreading to other nations and coming worldwide problem like the current HIV/AIDS disease (Berger, 2013). According to the reported situation that the medical staffs are facing in Ebola strike countries, I do not think that robots can be solutions. The robotic technology is still very limited in the field of medicine. Medical care should be taken with much care as it involves processes inside the body. Robots can be used disarm bombs and drive cars which are limited levels of human capabilities. They may never be used to pick a poison inside stomachs (John, 2014). The Ebola crisis in Africa as well has also exposed considerable space between robot abilities and the requirements to manage humanitarian disasters (John, 2014). The countries experiencing the worst effects of the epidemic are not able to deploy the robots in fighting the horror disease. Instead of the use of robots, the scientist would have considered developing a vaccine and providing relevant and information about protection against the disease (Berger, 2013). Training robots to act in the human reasoning capabilities would take much time surpassing the rate at which Ebola kills. Ebola would take four weeks to kill the infected while robotic technology development would take a lot of time to be developed especially in the

Market for Condoms Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4750 words

Market for Condoms - Thesis Example Like every other European country, Belgian population has a deep concern about having a safe sex. They do not want to plunge in the Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD’s) or to end up being a patient of HIV/AIDS. With this increased concern, there has been an increase in the condom market. There has been an increased awareness amongst the Belgians regarding the use of condoms to have a safe sex. Not only the locales but also the immigrants are exposed to STD’s and HIV. Awareness about condom use is also created amongst these people who are not so aware about it before (PARKER, P. M. 2006; FOX, M. P. 2000; COLLIER, A. 2007) Belgium is a very liberal country. It is the 2nd country in the world to legalize the same-sex marriages. It has given equal rights to the lesbians, gays and bisexuals. The use of condoms in Belgium is very common. Currently, in the year 2011, it has a total population of 10,431,477 (Population Labs 2011) 66.3% of the Belgian population comprises of males and females who lay within the age bracket of 15 years to 65 years. The sex ratio of 1.02 suggests that there are more males in the population than the females who lay within the age bracket of 15-65 years. And it is under this age bracket where the target market of â€Å"WITH† lies. There are a huge number of gays and lesbians living in Belgium. ... Other important stats that can be of use are the population of Belgium over the several years up till now. The trend of population can help to deduce that with increasing population, it is likely that the number of gays and lesbians have also increased. The following statistical graph will show this trend. After 2003, there has been an increasing trend in the population of Belgium. In 2011 it has the highest population. This leads to a fact that increase in population has given rise to more gays and lesbians and thus the market for condoms has increased. There are more people than before who are condom users. So it is evident that there is a huge market of condoms in Belgium (CIA 2010) Part of this huge market are also the people who have been exposed to HIV infection but have yet not developed the symptoms of AIDS (FORBES 2009) These people also form a large part of the condom users as they want to protect their partners and themselves against this dangerous infection. The following statistical figure will help to determine the people living in Belgium who are carrying the HIV virus. In 2011 the number of people carrying HIV virus have decreased. This may be due to increased precautionary measures taken by the consumers against the STD’s (CIA 2010) There is large market for condoms because they are easy to use than any other contraceptive measure and has no side effects at all. Teenagers also represent a huge chunk of the condom market. Condoms are mostly used by the teenagers as measure to prevent teenage pregnancy rather than a protection measure (HYDE, M. O. 2006) Competition in the condom industry of Belgium is fairly high. There are already well established brands like

Financial data analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Financial data analysis - Essay Example A clear linear relationship is not evident, which could be an indicator that WHEATHD is a poor predictor of WHEATSF. Figure 1: the plot of WHEATSF against WHEATHD Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate Change Statistics R Square Change F Change df1 df2 Sig. F Change 1 .421a .177 .174 27.2183 .177 53.344 1 248 .000 Table1: Model regression summary Table 1 above presents a summary of the regression summary. From this, adjusted R squared is 0.17, a figure that is very small indicating that the model is not very good in predicting the dependent variable as it is highly subject to chance rather than statistical relationship between the two variables. However, the p-value is less than 0.01, an indicator that the model is statistically significant, or rather we have enough evidence to assert that WHEATHD has some predictive power on WHEATSF. Coefficientsa Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig. B Std. Error Beta 1 (Constant) 500.582 24.519 2 0.416 .000 WHEATHD(P) -.443 .061 -.421 -7.304 .000 Table 2: a. Dependent Variable: WHEATSF(P) Coefficientsa Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig. B Std. Error Beta 1 (Constant) 532.035 17.694 30.069 .000 WHEATSF(P) -.400 .055 -.421 -7.304 .000 Table 3: a. ... itable statistical technique to use, but I surmounted this by examining the expected outcome to decide on the best method (Hyndman and Koehler, 2006). PART II In this part, 1- 250 sample values are used to forecast the subsequent 11 values. Using excel to forecast In using excel spreadsheets to do the forecast, we highlight the raw data and insert the scatter plot. Then, we insert the trend line in the scatter plot and subsequently format it to include the trend line equation. The trend line equation is then used to substitute the values of x for the 11 series periods that are sampled for prediction. The following table shows the values of x and the substituted values y. Y=532.03-0.4x x Y (Forecasted) Actual 308.5 408.63 443 311.5 407.43 446.5 314.5 406.23 450 313.5 406.63 447 319.5 404.23 451.5 324.5 402.23 451.5 324.5 402.23 451.5 333.5 398.63 461.25 337.5 397.03 465.75 324.5 402.23 460.75 327.5 401.03 462.5 Sum 4436.53 4991.25 Figure 2: Excel scatter plot with the equation fitted in. Using eview The raw data for the prices are input in the software and a forecast generated automatically. The output, which is shown in figure 3, comes with a table with forecast errors already computed. The table alongside shows statistical arithmetic that is associated with this particular model, including a number of methods for calculating the forecasting errors. Figure 3: Forecast for 251 - 261 Sample Figure 4: graph before model 1forecast Figure 5: graph after model 1 forecast Forecast errors Forecast errors are the estimations of the probability that the results of the forecast deviates from the actual values. Fore example, looking at figures 4 and 5 of the first forecast model, it is clear how the forecast values differ slightly from the actual values. A number of errors that

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Final Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Final - Assignment Example For instance, the law of the society may just forbid people form lying, but in some cases, for example in a case where one has to lie so as to save his life or the life of other people, the general law of the society forbidding lying may not provide direction of action. For this reason, therefore, people have different moral systems that give them in resolving moral dilemmas. My ethical system is the consequentialist moral system. The consequentialist ethical system is a teleological theory of ethics meaning that the morality of an action is determined by the consequence or the result of an action, i.e. an action is regarded morally right if it yields a desirable effect or consequence; on the other hand, an action is regarded morally wrong if it results in an effect or consequence that is not desirable. This essay will examine the consequentialist ethical system and how the ethical system influences my opinions of morality and ethics. The paper also will give a review of two articles on two ethical issues associated with my future career. Also, the paper gives two examples of concrete ethical dilemmas that I am likely to face in my career and explains how I would resolve the moral dilemmas. The consequentialist theory of ethics is also called the Utilitarian theory of Ethics. As we have just said, the end result of an action is the determinant of the morality of an action in the utilitarian theory of ethics. What this means in essence is that the utilitarian moral theorists do not take into account the motive of the doer of an action or the means used to do an action in determining the morality of action. The utilitarian theory of ethics holds the view that that consequence or the result of an action can justify the means used to do an action (Pollock, 2012). For the utilitarian moral theorist, therefore, it is morally right to use a bad mean so as to acquire a good result. There are two types of utilitarian ethics, act utilitarian and rule utilitarian. According

Mitosis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Mitosis - Essay Example Cell division is a basic phenomenon of life in living organisms. It is known that the process of cell division, irrespective of the animal species, remains invariably the same. It is here that we comprehend that despite being the different in their outward appearance this basic phenomenon invariably remains the same. In byline, the author of the article, Daniel Needleman, has said that experimentation has been able to understand the difference that exists in this cell division phenomenon among the animals. This difference is found out to reside on the chromosomal and molecular level rather on higher level view. This difference can also exist even between similar organisms. Over a long period of time, it was known that spindle fibers that segregate chromosomes during cell division show great variation in size and shape, but the underlying reason was not discovered. Experiments have shown that the embryos that undergo the process of division, after repeated division cycles, considerabl y reduced in size and so did the spindle sizes. The experiments conducted on organisms like mouse have revealed many facts yet it has been difficult to ascertain any explicit cause to the phenomenon. Thus, another aspect that is attributed with the change is the change in biochemistry during the course of cell division. To infer a proximal result of the obvious phenomenon, a causative analysis is used as help. Cellular biology research has, therefore, evaluated a relationship during the course of development, between protein and phenotype. ... This experiment is multistage causal analysis procedure (Wilbur and Held). Embryos are subjected to tests during different stages of their development. It revealed that the change in size of spindles was not caused by division rather it was related to the state of cytoplasm. This in turn puts a question mark on how cytoplasm produces such change. To answer this question a categorization of the same microtubules was made. Early stages revealed less de-polymerization or catastrophe to these microtubules, as compared to those in the late stages. This revelation through stag-wise analysis did not reveal the true picture that could be able to answer above mentioned questions. Varying lengths of microtubules during the de-polymerization cannot be understandable reason. Later Wilbur and Heald used another approach to understand the size variation of spindles. Cytoplasm and its effects on elementary protein structures of spindles were analyzed. Proteins responsible for microtubule catastroph ies in different extracts were identified as Kinesin-13 and Kif2a. Kif2a was thought to be the reason of change in spindle sizes but extracts have revealed that concentration of this type of proteins remains constant during all stages of development. A co-existing phenomenon of importin-alpha attaching to the membrane or leaving the cytoplasmic area caused kif2a to be more active, that in turns increases microtubule catastrophy rates. (Wilbur Heald, 2013) Suggestion about this mechanism is perhaps understandable with the help of biochemistry, as with change in size due to successive divisions cause greater surface to volume ration than in larger cells. The only point in this understandable phenomenon is that why importin-alpha tends to be sequestered with the cell membrane

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Final Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Final - Assignment Example For instance, the law of the society may just forbid people form lying, but in some cases, for example in a case where one has to lie so as to save his life or the life of other people, the general law of the society forbidding lying may not provide direction of action. For this reason, therefore, people have different moral systems that give them in resolving moral dilemmas. My ethical system is the consequentialist moral system. The consequentialist ethical system is a teleological theory of ethics meaning that the morality of an action is determined by the consequence or the result of an action, i.e. an action is regarded morally right if it yields a desirable effect or consequence; on the other hand, an action is regarded morally wrong if it results in an effect or consequence that is not desirable. This essay will examine the consequentialist ethical system and how the ethical system influences my opinions of morality and ethics. The paper also will give a review of two articles on two ethical issues associated with my future career. Also, the paper gives two examples of concrete ethical dilemmas that I am likely to face in my career and explains how I would resolve the moral dilemmas. The consequentialist theory of ethics is also called the Utilitarian theory of Ethics. As we have just said, the end result of an action is the determinant of the morality of an action in the utilitarian theory of ethics. What this means in essence is that the utilitarian moral theorists do not take into account the motive of the doer of an action or the means used to do an action in determining the morality of action. The utilitarian theory of ethics holds the view that that consequence or the result of an action can justify the means used to do an action (Pollock, 2012). For the utilitarian moral theorist, therefore, it is morally right to use a bad mean so as to acquire a good result. There are two types of utilitarian ethics, act utilitarian and rule utilitarian. According

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Destination Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Destination Marketing - Essay Example Definition of Destination Marketing The term ‘destination marketing’ can be defined as one of the innovative strategies in order to get an edge over other competitive destinations. It can be revealed that marketing the destination of the tourist should tend to complement with the strategic objectives of the stakeholders as well as the sustainability of the local resources. It is worth mentioning that the destinations need to develop innovative strategies and make their products distinct from those of their competitors by conducting research so that they can make and display the unique value. Destinations can as well expand partnership with various public as well as private sectors at various levels of the destination management so that they can stimulate the delivery mechanism quite promptly and effectively. It can further be argued that with the advancement of technology such as web-based promotional measures, the competition becomes more pronounced by enhancing visibil ity, reducing the cost as well as increasing the local co-operation. Therefore, tourism marketing can be envisioned as one of the important steps in the direction of ensuring optimisation of the impacts that tourism has and in the achievement of the stakeholder’s strategic objectives. It is worth mentioning that the destination marketing must be formed in connection to the western business model in order to lookout for the greater interest of the destinations and the stakeholders who are directly or indirectly associated with the task of promotion and development of the destinations (Swain, n.d.). The destination marketing can be considered as being an essential part of mounting as well as increasing the popularity of the particular location. It has been apparent that several times the tourist planners pay more attention towards the development of the tourism while focusing less on retaining and preserving the attributes attracting the travellers towards the destinations. Mor eover, the tourism destinations are quite difficult ‘products’ to market which makes use of huge number of the stakeholders. The other thing which is worth mentioning in this regards is that the destination manager has less control over the brand image. The level of complexity as well as diversity has been well known by the tourism planners which make the brand development a difficult and cumbersome task for the national, local and regional tourism organisations. The destination marketing involves attention of the tourist-related organisations towards the destinations. The stakeholders face challenges in developing a coherent theme for the destination brands. Due to the cut throat competition, the key to the success of business is building and maintenance of the brand values. There has been a shift of brand management from peripheral marketing concern to the core business strategy (Ana, 2004). Development History of Destination Marketing The history of destination marke ting can be traced back to nineteenth century in the USA. It was the time when meetings and conventions were attracted. The formal commencement of the US

Monday, October 14, 2019

Challenges In Recruiting: Hospitality Industry

Challenges In Recruiting: Hospitality Industry Today, in the world of growing in globalised businesses and the improvement of entertainment industries. Transportations, Accommodations, Venues, Dining and Talents are now in great demand. In the industries of people serving people, it is one of the most excitement sectors that you can best understand a business model, because it was combined with many different sectors and generated with smaller scale of many operators to build up a big organization that were full of services provided, which named Hospitality! The Hospitality industry is currently largest businesses among the world, it is also a global, interlocking with deep and complex of supply chain. Today in the record, hospitality industry provides more than 200 million employees in worldwide and the numbers of talents are still growing rapidly and it is in a demand today. In Singapore, the Hospitality industry remains a key economic driver and Singapore is promoting and building the image and reputation. It is also an essential support in the industry for Singapores efforts to constantly remain an attractive lifestyle destination, with the development of the two integrated resorts (Resort World and Marina Bay Sands) and other exciting events and projects such as the making Orchard Road into one of the best shopping town in the world of Asia. With the positive outlook for this growing industry, it is important for Singapore to continue improving its service competiveness by enhancing excellence service delivery and clients satisfaction. The industry needs professionals and talents who would continue to upgrade and improve the industries skills to take up management positions as well as new recruiting team who would be well-qualified to fill the additional jobs created with the growth. The Recruitment in Hospitality Industry Having the ambitions and foreseeing the industry in expanding fast, that was what most of the hospitality management are aiming for. With the business constantly growing, the responsibility of the Human Resources team is expected to deliver additional workforce at all sectors and business levels. Furthermore, Human Resources will also be maximizing the capacity of each current workforce team. In Asia, hotelier used skills and techniques to analyze each individuals performance, engagement and commitment levels, participation or getting involved in all training and development programs to measure the result in productivity. Linking such ways to determine each organizations business objectives has provides useful statistics and has been proven highly effective with which senior executive management making the decision. Human Resources roles is important in the industry, as the blooming in this industry, human resources team needs to focus on their staffing and employees, the roles as service provider in each departments and divisions. With the high demand needed in increasing staffing numbers, looking at this time when the industrys workforce labor pool is shrinking. To improve this challenges, first is to identify all possible causes to the challenges and the industry needs to attempt and work with the unions as allies, hopefully to come out with more time, more effective workforce strategies and money to improve the recruitment project and training to educate the politicians so as to impact the governmental economic and immigration policy on the hospitality industry. The research from Hospitality industry information, I learned that the set of workforce solutions is based on the following priorities such as: Image : Like other service sectors, hospitality careers are often stereotyped as low-wage and entry-level with little opportunity for advancement. Consequently, qualified workers, especially youth, are unaware the range of hospitality careers available. Recruitment : Historically the hospitality industry had drawn heavily fm the youth labor pool to meet their workforce needs, but in recent the industry has been left with an insufficient pipeline of new workers to satisfy demand. Faced with a shrinking pipeline or workers, the hospitality industry is increasing its recruitment efforts towards youth and developing targeted strategies for previously untapped labor pools. Retention : High turnover is a key challenge in the hospitality industry. The restaurant, hotel and lodging sectors have difficulty retaining skilled workers because of the negative image that the industry faces. Language skills : English proficiency is a key challenge because a large percentage of the hospitality workforce does not speak English as their primary language. Employers seek language training programs that allow workers to effectively perform their job, which includes providing good customer service and understanding safety requirements. Employability/Soft Skills : Employers have difficulty finding workers who possess basic soft skills, which are often a prerequisite for success in a customer service-oriented field. Consistent training models and skills certifications : The hospitality industry as a whole lacks consistency and portability in their training models and skill certifications. Many employers run their own internal training programs for entry-level workers, which makes it difficult to monitor the content of training and the skills acquired. Doleta, June 2005 Challenges in Singapores Hospitality The numbers of turnover and shortage rates were frequently highlighted in todays challenges for Hospitality Industry not only happening in Singapore but globally. It is important to know and understand the issues behind that causes the skills shortage in the workforce. In todays Hospitality workforce, it is expected for all organizations to face a similar shortage of available talent at all levels, especially in management and leadership roles in order to continuously leading the operations and teams, mostly it was due to the aggressive expansion strategies in the region. With the high demand and shortage of employees in the hospitality industry it translates into intense competition for many quality graduates. For those fresh graduates deem the unsociable hours and perceived lack of experience and opportunity in the hospitality industry were as unfavorable. Therefore the hospitality industry is losing out to industries such as entrepreneur, human resources, outsourcing or even information technology etc. Furthermore, there is also growing awareness of an increasing of multi-generational workforce and consequently variances in expectations and values among individuals. Priorities differ especially with the younger generation, the so-called Generation Y. Markedly different from their senior counterparts, the young place greater emphasis on self-actualization, high expectations of rapid career progression and are willing to change jobs, industries and careers to realize their goal. Accordingly, methods for employee engagement analysis need to be even more sophisticated. Long term outlooks enable Human Resource managers to predict and plan for specific areas of talent shortfall and to adopt management training programs to prepare for the demands of future growth. Next to think, which are the areas of shortage talents in Hospitality Industries that were affected? As hospitality was combined with many different sectors and generated with smaller scale of many operators to build up a whole organization, below are the listed out sectors and areas in the hospitality industries. Front Line operations, talents that have face to face contacts with guest and to handle various general enquires, needs, transaction, dining or organized events and function in the hotels. Beside that, talents also need to have the knowledge of hotels facilities and services, guest relation and expectation, tourism-related matter and of cause handling guest arrivals and departures too. Front Office Front Desk, Concierge, Cashier, Bell Counter, Butler, Guest Relation Officer, Executive Club and Business Centre. Both Guest Service Centre (Operator) and Housekeeping are the two back end departments that direct support for Front Office. Food and Beverage Dining Outlets and Cafà ©, Banquet, Bar and Lounges, Executive Lounge and Kitchens. For both FB Reservation Centre Stewarding they are also under the umbrella of Food Beverages Division. Beside the listed sectors, there is also some other back of house Operations that covers the supporting roles to the business. Human Resources Department, Maintenance and Engineering Department, Events and Sales Department, Marketing Public Relations Department, Accounting and Finance Department, Purchasing Department, Security Department and etc. There are so many sectors of division in a hotel, and which are the areas that are really affected and in demand in the industries? Eventually, the shortage came from the Front Line team (both Front office and Food Beverage). And why is there a shortage? Below is a article researched from Khaleej Times Online on Manpower shortage biggest challenge to hospitality industry by Zoe Sinclair (Staff Reporter) 4 May 2008 MENA Travel Awards organizer CHA International President Dr Sam Saker estimated staff needs at an average ratio of five staff to one room. This ratio puts staff needs at more than 50,000 people by 2010 and by 2016 a further 150,000 staff would be needed, he observed. He, however said that the ratio of staff per room in luxury hotels was likely closer to seven to one. Compounding this is the issue of manpower retention. According to estimates, 20 per cent of staff will stay with their current employer and industry management predicts poaching to dominate staff recruitment. A report by world hospitality recruitment website was launched and surveyed more than 3,000 hospitality professionals across the Asia. It estimated only 10 per cent of staff would look for career opportunities within their current property. The challenge is to match growth with talent so service levels are maintained. At the same time retaining that talent within the hospitality industry via training and career progression opportunities is essential, said Peter Willis, Sales Manager, Hotels must look at what they offer to candidates in terms of salary, benefits, and accommodation in an increasingly competitive landscape, otherwise, the strain on the sector will begin or already beginning to slow down. Today, as I am in the sectors of Human Resources Industries, in my company, we did many recruitment campaigns for different industries and mainly for Singaporeans, I realized that Hospitality Industries have been highly active and continuously in hiring. Talking to many Hotels Human Resource Officers, they mentions that in todays employment in the hotel, they can hardly find a replacement or new hire of Singaporean to do the job, the turnovers especially in the front line operations are extremely high and fast. The staffs that are currently supporting the roles are mainly foreigners from Malaysia, China, Vietnam and the numbers of Filipinos are increasing in these industries, only small percentages of Singaporean can be found in todays front line operations. Questing where has the Singaporean gone to? I recently did a few career fairs for the fresh graduates in different Polytechnics and we are mainly recruiting for Hospitality Industries. The responses are slow, and I took the opportunity and created a simple survey form for the students in the collage, allowing us to better understand the students future choice of careers. Students are required to tick the industries and the preferred working hours that they are keen in perusing in the future. And the collective of results and industries are shown below: (A sample of the survey form is attached under appendix) Job Specialization Looking at the results from the survey, I learned that Hospitality Industries only stands a small percentage of 1.9% out of 3,000 students, of cause 3,000 students is only the 21.4% out of estimated 14,000 graduating Polytechnic students annually. In the survey, I also added on with the preferred working hours for their job, I realized that todays students preferred to be off duties during weekends and public holidays as it standing at 45.1%, it is almost half the percentage from the survey, next highest preferred working hours are from 9 to 6pm office hours job, which is standing at 43%. Now, looking at the hospitality industries, most likely is it not possible to have a fixed off days during the weekends, and front line hoteliers are scheduled for shift work like (Morning/ Afternoon/ Midnight shift) starting from 7am to 5pm, 3pm to 1 am and 11pm to 9am or even a split shift from 10am to 3pm and back to operation again from 6pm to 11pm. Understanding the hotels operation hours, hotels operates 24 hours business, the hoteliers are required to work minimum 198 hours per month (excluding the over time hours) it is about 9 hours per day and 2 days off per week. And very often, hoteliers are expected to do over time after their scheduled timing, especially during the peak period. The overtime hours, can be 2 hours extra or at times, hoteliers have to be prepared to cover the next shift, usually to cover the absentee or last minute shortage to manpower, which can be another 7 to 8 hours more. Although hoteliers are entitled for 2 days off, but it comes during the weekdays, weekends off only come after the rotation within the team. The busier and peak period in hospitality industries business are during the festive seasons or public holidays, long weekends, school holidays and during the big functions or events happening in Singapore. Hotels Standards Yearly schedule are shown below (Peak Period, Events Festive Season) In January : New Years Day In February : Asia Aerospace and Chinese New Year In March : 1 week School Holiday In April : Good Friday, Easter day and events of World Gourmet Summit In May : Labor day and Vesak day In June : 3 weeks of School Holidays In July : Slow Period In August : Slow Period (Chinese Ghost Festival), Singapore National Day In September : 1 week school holiday, Hari Raya Puasa and event of Formula 1 In October : Slow Period In November : Deepavali and Hari Raya Haji In December : 1 month of School holiday, Christmas Day and the celebration and countdown of New Years Day Hoteliers besides handling the activities within the country, their main objective is to operate services to Tourist and Guest from Business trip which will happen every 365 days. Looking at the above surveys and studies of employment for front line hoteliers in Hospitality Industry, I learned that although the environment and atmosphere is a glamorous one. However, looking that living of Singaporean today, I understand why there is a shortage of locals talents. I believed that many of the locals family members or friends are mostly working in the above stated industries, which are the standard office hours from 9am to 6pm operation. Because that is the most preferred working hours that Singaporean can balance their time for work, children, family members and social. Before, I am also an hotelier, as I do not have any commitment to my family members and I needed a stepping stone for my next step into my career, I chosen hospitality industries. My experience during those 5 years of journey in hospitality industry is the most enjoyable and valuable one. Although, I have missed out many of the fun moment with my family members and friends especially during their weekends and festive sessions, because most of the time, when I am off during the weekdays, they were all working or schooling. And when they are off during the weekends or festive session, there I am working. It is hard for us to spend time together. That is why I can understand why Singaporean has chosen other industries then Hotel industry. The only main focus for a Singaporean to choose hospitality industry as their professional career, they must be someone that has the PASSION in serving and meeting different various people around the world, because the local has to sacrifice the times with the family members and the love ones. And only people that accepted and understand this service industry will be happy and enjoying working in this sectors. This is also why you can find more foreigners working in hospitality industry because some of them actually paid to come over Singapore to work, with the nature of long working hours in this industry, they have less commitment here then a Singaporean, that is why there are willing to work for a longer hours then any Singaporean. Working in hospitality industry, everyday, every moment you see smiles smiling at you, you see people servicing people and at the end of the day, the satisfaction is there, and that is what makes the hoteliers enjoying working in the industry. Succession planning was identified as a key contributor to strategic growth and for the continuation of high quality standards for customer service levels. Employees with a high potential for promotion are monitored, especially in regard to their participation in training and development, which has been determined to be a key indicator of success in upward progression. The measurement of leadership skills was the subject of intense debate and most organizations are investing in developing these metrics, for early identification of leaders with potential. Maintaining contact with previous and potential employees has become standard practice among the hoteliers. New approaches to communication, such as blogs, online social networking groups, electronic newsletters and bulletin boards are widely used to maintain contact and remain abreast of this group of potential employees concerns and ideas. Department of Labors employment and training administration is supporting comprehensive partnerships that include employers, the public workforce system, and other entities that have developed innovative approaches that address the workforce needs of business while also effective helping worker find good jobs with good and attractive wages and promising career pathways in the hospitality industry. In my essay 2, I will be writing about the retention challenges in hospitality industry and I will also provide some positive and effective ideas to improve the matters. Reference List Doleta Gov; June 2005, Hospitality Industry Information. Available at: .cfm [Accessed 20 April 2010] Warren. Bennis, Ph.D. On Becoming a Leader Forbes top 100; 9 January 2006, Merkel Worlds Most Powerful Woman. Available at:,1518,434696,00.html [Accessed 29 November 2009] Squidoo; 2006. Angela Merkel the first female chancellor of Germany. Available at: [Accessed 29 November 2009] Tatiana. Serafin. 9 January 2006; The most powerful woman in the world. Available at: [Accessed 29 November 2009] Travel China Guide; Empress Wu Zetian. Available at: [Accessed 9 November 2009] Biographies; 1996 to 2009. Female Heroes of Asia: China. Available at: [Accessed 9 November 2009] Theories of Innovation | Netflix Case Study Theories of Innovation | Netflix Case Study The following discussion will provide insights on what is innovation by taking into account its characteristics through the example of Netflix and phone manufacturing companies. Theories will also be applied to illustrate why innovations are needed. It then leads to the four roles that science can either play by analysing Paul L. Gardner (1994)s ideas. Finally, this essay will suggest the transforming roles of science in technological innovation. The discussion to that will mainly focus on how creative destruction (Schumpeter, 1942) has become a recurring problem since the rising of RD. What do we mean by innovation? The meaning of innovation is not merely what is stated in a dictionary, but often instead characterised with the values it adds to an entity. Some traits of innovation can be demonstrated in the example of Netflix. Netflix is one of the biggest streaming providers within the entertainment industry, co-founded by Marc Randolph and Reed Hastings in 1997 (Netflix), who later forewent the DVD delivering service. This business firstly establishes the concept that innovations are not restricted in the format of a product, but also a service. Secondly, the subscribing fee introduces the commercialisation of Netflixs new approach in delivering entertainment. Netflixs burgeoning business also embodies the idea of creative destruction (Schumpeter, 1942)- formalising the new way of distributing entertainment by knocking down alike businesses and the labour force involved. The streaming network Netflix provides effectively separated the DVD rental industry from the mainstream home entertainment source. Ever since its start-up, USs consumer spending on home entertainment through brick-and-mortar rental has been declining; it plummeted a substantial 21% in 2016 to $0.49 billion (Statista, 2016). Subsequently, the number of employees within the video tape and disc rental industry decreases over the last decade (BLS, 2015). The success of Netflix has also influenced the English language. For example, people often refer any business pushed out by Netflix as Netflixed (Perry, 2015). This reiterates there is no precondition for an innovation to be a high-tech product, but also suggests the collateral novelties in a different field which could be le d to by the innovation. Also, consider the case of Samsung being accused for imitating iPhones appearance, display, touch-screen interface and packaging (IBT, 2016). Assume Samsung pragmatically copied Apples notions, but that a Samsung Galaxys phone realistically looks different to an iPhone. It is reasonable to suggest that the room for innovations is restricted by what is already existing. For instance, the layout of virtual keyboards on phones is confined by the fundamentality of the QWERTY keyboard which historically served the purpose to resort jamming occurred in typewriters. Even if alternative keyboards such as Dvorak (1936) ergonomically speeds up typing (How-to Geek, 2014), but the multitude will still prefer the QWERTY keyboard because they are locked into the QWERTY paradigm (Margolis and Liebowitz, 2000). The Pandas Thumb Theory (Gould, 1980) plays a role in explaining the evolution of the QWERTY keyboard. It illustrates pandas outwardly grown wrist bones as a result of the lack of functionality of their real thumbs, so that they can hold onto bamboos when they eat. This essentially means if bamboo was extinct in history, then pandas anatomical adaptation would not have served a purpose. Analogically to the QWERTY keyboard, if typewriter was never invented then the QWERTY layout would have been composed for no values. Therefore, innovation is supposedly a purpose-derived and commercialised spinoff of creative destruction following path dependencies e.g. Netflix; which is also served as a process to overcome flawed innovations e.g. original typewriter. What is the role of science in technological innovations? Science might have acted as a free-rider to absorb experience from innovating technologies. Prior to the industrial revolution and the introduction of thermo-kinetic theory of gas, the first steam engine was invented by Thomas Newcomen in 1712 (BBC History) despite the lack of efficiency and the extravagant cost to build one. This example preliminarily provides the materialist view of technology preceding science (Gardner, 1994a). As scientific understanding towards thermodynamics grew, James Watt improved the primitive steam engine in 1769 (BBC History) which was then widely applied in powering transportations. A complementary nature between science and technology is implied (Gardner, 1994b)- Newcomen had set the basis of a viable steam engine which allowed theories to be developed over time which could explain the principle of a steam engine, and finally the piece of technology was refined by adapting the new knowledge acquired. The latter also brings about how science informs technology (Gardner, 1994c). Nevertheless, there are also hints of independency between the thermodynamic theory and the steam engine, because the two elements are only interacting with each other if they truly share the same goal and implement the same process arriving to a coherent result (Gardner, 1994d). Note that this merely implies a particular scientific thoery is not intentionally developed for a particular technology, vice versa. It doesnt deny either of which lead to the other. Thermodynamics was proposed on the ground to explain how hot gas transfer energy, whereas James Watt refined the steam engine to improve its efficacy. The goals are varied. Similarly, physicists might have carried out a series of experiment to conclude a more comprehensive model for thermodynamics. Meantime, James Watt could have just redesigned the steam engine by applying the thermodynamic theory. Both processes and the corresponding outcomes are unidentical. How has this role changed since the first industrial revolution? During the industrial revolution, science offered assurance to technological innovation in order to improve labour working conditions. Both unskilled and skilled labours worked long hours and received below reasonable salaries, who also operated machines with a paucity of safety precautions often led to deaths and injuries. Child workers are often the victims of these accidents due to their unawareness of dangers. For instance, Cora Flipse was killed at the age of fourteen, from an accident where her head was trapped between the edge of the lift and floor (Our Great American Heritage, 2016). Followed by the accident, Elisha Graves Otis worked on the safety of elevators by introducing the safety brake (1853) to minimise casualties in case of the cables break; not adding doors to stop body parts from getting caught by moving components. The principle of the safety brake provided assurance to the use of elevators, but the need to apply the knowledge for the safety brake was informed by the inherent flaws of the technology. Nowadays, science continues to establish an assiduous safety standard in work environment. Potentially dangerous tasks can be carried out by robots such as Handle (Boston Dynamics, 2017), which can perform a 6.5 feet vertical jump an excessive 1.2 feet on top of the highest human jump recorded (TechCrunch, 2017) and overcome rough contours. Essentially, the safer the work environment, the less relevant the human input to an entity. As the size of a company grows, the emergence of RD departments allows division of labour but it also routinises the process of technological innovation (Schumpeter, 1942). This effectively reverses Karl Poppers proposition about falsification that science is all about disproving (1963), because a profit-maximising firm is more likely to try to prove the feasibility of technology instead of disproving it. Of course, robotic technology is imperfect and it is yet to be integrated by research and development (RD) departments. Thus, science can be constituted as an excuse to help secure human jobs in the way of developing technological innovations. When machines gradually replace human labours, the emergence of RD might seem like an attempt to paper up the plethora of workers. Assume a company wants to found a RD department and all employees in the manufacturing department have equal proficiency in bringing new innovations to light. Then unneeded workers in the manufacturing department can simply be outplaced to the RD department. The recurring problem to be considered is that the RD department might be working towards a technology that might even further devalue the employees. Eventually, human labours will suffer from their own creative destructions. Additional to those, science might have conjointly acted as a driver to prompt creation of government policies. Innovations such as vaccination undoubtedly increased the life expectancy. While the British government might have complicated the health and safety regulations due to the uncertainty brought along by science and its corresponding technology in work environment. Meanwhile, the Chinese government might have been burdened by the rising Chinese population and so the enactment of the one-child policy was needed. In conclusion, sciences role has changed since the first industrial revolution in three ways. Firstly, it has changed from giving assurance to technological innovations to giving the ascendant right for technology to replace human labours. Secondly, from falsifying the possibility of technology to ascertaining it in RD. Thirdly, and passively, from aiming to protract peoples lives to controlling the number of population as a result of that. References Gardner, P. (1999). The representation of science-technology relationships in Canadian physics textbooks. International Journal of Science Education, [online] 21(3), pp.329-347. Available at: [Accessed 13 Mar. 2017]. Goel, A. (2016). Supreme Court Gives Samsung a Reprieve in Apple Patent Case. [online] Available at: [Accessed 11 Mar. 2017]. Gould, S. (n.d.). Bully for Brontosaurus. 1st ed. 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